STARTWelcome to the Clinic Day, Interprofessional Education Workshop
You will be working in interprofessional teams of 6-8 students, following up on Andy. Andy is a resident of Calgary, who was impacted by Covid-19. Thanks for taking the time to consider some of Andy's concerns - this will give you some time to think about the many options available, and what resources that may be accessed. You will get way more out of your live team session, especially if all team members take the time to provide their thoughts and input. This case is designed to be reviewed ahead of your Clinic Day Interprofessional Education (IPE) session where you will work in a small group with students from various disciplines. We have chosen a case with concurrent social and medical issues that require a collaborative interprofessional approach to optimize patient care. For this case your management choices will not be determined as much by finding a definitive diagnosis and subject expertise does not lie with any particular discipline. The goal is to have you explore the overlap in the the knowledge and skills of all the professions involved in order to help the patient. Work with your health care team to develop an approach to your patient so he can return to a functional state Andy is a middle aged individual who has had many challenges in the months following contracting Covid-19. Andy was admitted to hospital for a month and was on a ventilator for nearly two weeks of the admission. They had some complications in hospital, and at home, documented in the discharge summary and health care provider notes. Andy is returning for follow-up in the multdisciplinary post-ICU clinic today. Discharge date was 6 weeks ago. Past Med History Asthma since elementary school, Hypertension for four years. Family Medical History Parents were generally healthy. Father has/had history of anxiety issues. 2 siblings. Social History Systems Analyst consulting for various oil companies; married; two children in the home; spouse works as substitute teacher; hobbies - landscape wilderness photography and hiking. Alcohol 2-3 per day (hard liquor or beer) currently; used to drink more at university. Smoker since university quit when the children were born but with oil industry, increased stress and post illness, is now smoking a pack/day, no illicit drugs. Allergies Horses Medication Salbutamol; Flutacisone/Salmeterol; Lorazepam, Metoprolol, Oxycodone, Pantoprazole.
Before we go any further, click the Role Selection button to review the Objectives for all Professions before you move on throught the Virtual Patient information. |
Map: Andy - Clinic Day IPE Scenario (624)
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